Everything you ever wanted to know about Vampirella, daughter of Drakulon

Vampirella: Transcending Time and Space


Volume #1 (1992)

1992 Cover

First Printing 1992 - Dave Stevens $12.95
Second Printing 1995 - Dave Stevens $12.95

  • Vampirella: ... Beware, Dreamers! [José Gonzalez, art; T. Casey Brennan, story] (from Warren Vampirella #17)

  • Vampirella: Dracula Still Lives! [José Gonzalez, art; T. Casey Brennan, story] (from Warren Vampirella #18)

  • Vampirella: Shadow of Dracula! [José Gonzalez, art; T. Casey Brennan, story (from Warren Vampirella #19)

  • Vampirella: When wakes the Dead [José Gonzalez, art; T. Casey Brennan, story (from Warren Vampirella #20)

  • Vampirella: Slitherers of the Sand [José Gonzalez, art; T. Casey Brennan and Chad Archer, story] (from Warren Vampirella #21)

  • Vampirella: Hell from on High [José Gonzalez, art; Steve Englehart, story] (from Warren Vampirella #22)

  • Vampirella: The Blood Queen of Bayou Parish! [José Gonzalez, art; Steve Englehart, story] (from Warren Vampirella #23)

More Warren reprints ... but I suppose it does take a while to commission, create and publish completely new material!

This collection carries on with Vampirella and her supporting characters well established, and the stories begin to find other avenues other than the Cult of Chaos! Classic T. Casey Brennan stories, and the introduction of a new guy called Steve Englehart - who is probably better known for his later work with Marvel/DC comics.

Reprinted in 1995 both print runs look the same, but there is a small difference between the two covers. The logo in the top left hand corner of the first print run is a combined Harris/Dark Horse logo, but the second print run is a Harris only logo. Also, the paper used in the two runs is different; the first printing is almost one third thicker than the second print run. This is not noticeable in photos, but when you have the two side by side the difference is obvious. Apart from the logo and the thickness of the volume everything else seems to be the same.

Whether you consider these to be two different items to collect, or whether the differences are insignificant and it is irrelevant whether your copy is first or second printing is up to you. Personally, I have a copy of each and consider them to be two different items.

James West Vampirella Dynamite Entertainment

Vampirella is © Dynamite Entertainment.

All images on this site are the copyright of their respective owners/artists.

This is a fan site, and as such no infringement of copyright is intended.

Should any person object to my use of any material on this site please contact me.

Mike Mayhew Vampirella
