Rather than put all issues on one page I have split them up into years of issue.
Please use the links below to go to the appropriate year.
Vampirella 3 [January 2011]
Standard cover A - Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic
Standard cover B - Sean Chen
Standard cover C - Rodolfo Migliari
Standard cover D - Ale Garza
Blood Red cover - Sean Chen
Black and White cover - Ale Garza
Virgin cover 1 - Rodolfo Migliari
Virgin cover 2 - Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic
Dynamic Forces cover - Sean Chen
Crown of Worms Part 3: The Lesser Evil [Writer - Eric Trautmann : Art - Wagner Reis/Fabiano Neves]
Vampirella is on the prowl, and her hunt brings her face to face with Dracula! But before their bloody showdown, Vampirella must unravel the mystery of the Crown of Worms and solving that puzzle may spell her destruction!
There are nine variant covers for this issue.
Vampirella 4 [February 2011]
Standard cover A - Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic
Standard cover B - Paul Renaud
Standard cover C - Jason Pearson
Standard cover D - Ale Garza
Virgin cover - Paul Renaud
Blood Red cover - Jason Pearson
Black and White cover - Ale Garza
Dynamic Forces cover - Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic
Crown of Worms Part 4: The Lesser Evil [Writer - Eric Trautmann : Art - Wagner Reis/Fabiano Neves]
Vampirella's pursuit of Dracula has revealed a cult of vampires, worshippers of an ancient evil. An evil so vast and terrible that even the Lord of the vampires respects and fears it. As the world stands between eternal chaos and an endless army of blood-drinking horrors, Vampirella, plagued with nightmare visions of her past and possible future, may finally have met her match.
There are nine variant covers for this issue.
There were only 400 copies of the Dynamic Forces edition printed.
Vampirella 5 [March 2011]
Standard cover A - Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic
Standard cover B - Paul Renaud
Standard cover C - Stephen Segovia
Standard cover D - Ale Garza
Virgin cover - Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic
Blood Red cover - Paul Renaud
Black and White cover - Stephen Segovia
Dynamic Forces cover - Stephen Segovia
Crown of Worms Part 5: Dead Reckoning [Writer - Eric Trautmann : Art - Wagner Reis/Fabiano Neves]
Carving a bloody swath through Dracula's forces, facing down the Lord of the Vampires himself, Vampirella is now face to face with an ancient, unknowable evil, a terrifying force that plans to make Vampirella its eternal queen.
There are eight variant covers for this issue.
Vampirella 6 [April 2011]
Standard cover A - Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic
Standard cover B - Paul Renaud
Standard cover C - Fabiano Neves
Standard cover D - Ale Garza
Blood Red cover - Paul Renaud
Black and White cover - Ale Garza
Virgin cover - Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic
Crown of Worms Part 6: xxxxxxxxx [Writer - Eric Trautmann : Art - Wagner Reis/Fabiano Neves]
As an ancient, unknowable evil claws its way into our world, Vampirella must stand alone or all that lives will suffer and die. With Dracula's minions pursuing their own agendas, and legions of tentacular horrors from beyond reality scrabbling for a foothold on the material plane, only one thing is certain: there will be blood....
There are only seven variant covers for this issue.
Vampirella 7 [May 2011]
Standard cover A - Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic
Standard cover B - Paul Renaud
Standard cover C - Fabiano Neves
Standard cover D - Walter Geovani
Blood Red cover - Paul Renaud
Incentive cover - Ale Garza
Spot Colour cover - Fabiano Neves
Ordinary Monsters [Writer - Eric Trautmann : Art - Walter Geovani]
Sofia, a young woman pulled into the maelstrom of violence and supernatural terror that surrounds Vampirella, has stood at Vampirella's side during the terrifying battle against the Lord of Worms, fought the blood-hungry legions of Dracula, and survived the clutches of the vile Le Fanu. But who is Sofia, and what secrets lurk in her past?
There are seven variant covers for this issue.
Vampirella 8 [June 2011]
Standard cover A - Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic
Standard cover B - Paul Renaud
Standard cover C - Fabiano Neves
Standard cover D - Ale Garza
Blood Red cover - Paul Renaud
Black and White cover - Fabiano Neves
Dynamic Forces cover - Fabiano Neves
A Murder of Crows Part 1; [Writer - Eric Trautmann : Art - Fabiano Neves]
A lonely stretch of highway. A tiny town in the middle of nowhere. A trio of vicious creatures on a mission of murder and destruction. And all that stands in their way is Vampirella. It's a road-trip through death and horror, as Vampirella, still dealing with the aftermath of her first adventure, faces a threat that may finally be her match.
There are seven variant covers for this issue.
Vampirella 9 [July 2011]
Standard cover A - Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic
Standard cover B - Paul Renaud
Standard cover C - Fabiano Neves
Standard cover D - Ale Garza
Blood Red cover - Paul Renaud
Black and White cover - Fabiano Neves
A Murder of Crows Part 2; [Writer - Eric Trautmann : Art - Fabiano Neves]
On a lonely stretch of highway, Vampirella faces off against her most murderous foes yet: a trio of demonic assassins, drunk on newfound freedom and bloodlust and intent on making the vampiric heroine's death something special
There are six variant covers for this issue.
Vampirella 10 [August 2011]
Standard cover A - Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic
Standard cover B - Paul Renaud
Standard cover C - Fabiano Neves
Standard cover D - Ale Garza
Blood Red cover - Paul Renaud
Black and White cover - Fabiano Neves
Reorder cover - Paul Renaud
A Murder of Crows Part 3; [Writer - Eric Trautmann : Art - Fabiano Neves]
The Kerasu Shimei: three demonic assassins, escaped from the depths of Hell and intent on building a vile monument to murder. All that stands in their way? Vampirella. It's the final bloody showdown in Vampirella's toughest fight yet.
There are seven variant covers for this issue.
Vampirella 11 [September 2011]
Standard cover A - Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic
Standard cover B - Paul Renaud
Standard cover C - Wagner Reis
Standard cover D - Johnny Desjardins
Blood Red cover - Paul Renaud
Black and White cover - Wagner Reis
Dynamic Forces cover - Wagner Reis
The Side Trip [Writer - Eric Trautmann/Brandon Jerwa : Art - Johnny Desjardins]
While en route to their first international adventure, Vampirella and Sofia are summoned to the German countryside. They're tasked with security detail for a sacred ceremony, but the original mission becomes something entirely different once they reach their destination.
There are seven variant covers for this issue.
Vampirella 12 [October 2011]
Standard cover A - Alex Ross
Standard cover B - Paul Renaud
Standard cover C - Wagner Reis
Standard cover D - Ale Garza
Virgin cover - Alex Ross
Blood Red cover - Paul Renaud
Black and White cover - Wagner Reis
Dynamic Forces cover - Wagner Reis
The Side Trip????? [Writer - Eric Trautmann : Art - Johnny Desjardins/Jose Malaga]
At the not-so-polite request of her mysterious benefactors, Vampirella and Sofia step into a larger world. The hunt for Vlad Dracula brings them from the U.S. to Russia, where a forgotten burial ground, a deconsecrated church, and a horror beyond imaging await them.
There are eight variant covers for this issue.
Vampirella 13 [November 2011]
Standard cover A - Paul Renaud
Standard cover B - Fabiano Neves
Standard cover C - Wagner Reis
Standard cover D - Ale Garza
Blood Red cover - Paul Renaud
Black and White cover - Wagner Reis
xxxxxxx [Writer - Eric Trautmann : Art - Jose Malaga]
In pursuit of a lost tome of forbidden knowledge, Vampirella has been drawn from Russia to the Armenia/Turkey border -- and Ani, the Ghost City of 1,001 Churches. Once, the seat of power that rivaled Constantinople, Ani is now a crumbling ruin. And somewhere, in the skeleton of that dead city, lurks the last dark hope of an ancient enemy..
There are six variant covers for this issue.
Vampirella 14 [December 2011]
Standard cover A - Paul Renaud
Standard cover B - Fabiano Neves
Standard cover C - Ale Garza
Standard cover D - Ibraim Roberson
Blood Red cover - Paul Renaud
Black and White cover - Fabiano Neves
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xxxxxxxxx [Writer - Eric Trautmann : Art - Jose Malaga]
The secret of Vampirella's mysterious benefactors deepens, as she struggles with a legendary creature of mythology in a dead city. Vampirella's quest to locate a long lost relic in the ghost city of Ani, a relic that must be destroyed before unleashing a century-old horror on an unsuspecting world.
There are six variant covers for this issue.
Please use the links below to go to the next (or previous) year of the Vampirella monthly series.