Issue #1 (November 2010)
Regular cover - Campbell (25%) $3.99
Regular cover - Ross (25%) $3.99
Regular cover - Maduriera (25%) $3.99
Regular cover - Djurdjevic (25%) $3.99
Ross Alternative cover - Ross (1 in 21) $50.00
Campbell Negative cover - Campbell $75.00
Ross Virgin cover - Ross $100.00
Maduriera Virgin Cover - Maduriera $150.00
Campbell Black and White cover - Campbell $200.00
Artist - Wagner Reis / Writer - Eric Trautmann
Main story
Vampirella is back and hot on the corpse-strewn trail of her nemesis, Vlad Dracula. It's a darker world for Vampirella, and something more sinister than vampires lurks in the shadows, something even Dracula himself has cause to fear...
Bonus Feature
A rare story by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale.
Off to a flying start with nine variant covers (not counting a Ross variant from Dynamic Forces) ranging from a very affordable $3.99 to a particularly questionable $200!
So far all that is clear about the forthcoming story arc is that Vampirella will not be wearing her trademark red and gold outfit, though it will feature on the covers.
The response to this is not positive among the fans, but Eric Trautmann is a respected writer so it seems sensible to give him a chance to show us his new vision of Vampirella. We will have to see where he takes her. |