CONTACTAny email addressed to vampilore.co.uk will arrive on my desk top. Mostly, I use robin@vampilore, though anything will work. If you want to send me some original artwork, money, beer, Vampirella ephemera via the post my address is below Robin Whale / Vampilore
Telephone - UK: 01209 842 595 Telephone - International: +44 1209 842595 Feel free to drop me an email about the site, Vampirella or whatever! I have made some wonderful friends and acquaintances over the last couple of years via Vampilore, and would be happy to add some more. If you are someone who has a mention on this site and could spare five minutes or so to let me have some more info to include I would be very pleased to receive anything you want to send! For example, if you are a featured artist and could give me a few words on how you see Vampirella and why you depict her in the way that you do I would love to hear from you. If you feel you should have a page/mention on this site, or have any contributions to make please get in touch. If you have a relevant web site that you would like listed send me the URL and I will check out your site and list it (if it is appropriate to do so). Reciprocal links are always appreciated. Enjoy!