Warren Publishing - Issues 106 - 112

VAMPIRELLA ISSUE 106 - July 1982
Cover: Enrich
Vampirella: A love blessed in hell [Jose Gonzalez/ Rich Margopoulos]
Sweetwater Nessie, [pt.1] [Auraleon/ Don McGregor]
Pantha: On the trail of the cat [Jose Ortiz/ David Allikas]
The Fox and the Deer [Luis Bermejo/ Nicola Cuti]
Jeremy, [pt.1] [Paul Gillon]
Safari [Esteban Maroto/ David Allikas]
VAMPIRELLA ISSUE 107 - August 1982
Cover: Sanjulian
Vampirella: The blood red queen of hearts [Esteban Maroto/ Bill
DuBay] (from Vampirella #49)
Moonspawn [Esteban Maroto/ Doeg Moench] (from Vampirella #26)
Black and white vacuum to blues [Esteban Maroto/ Doug Moench] (from
Vampirella #34)
The circus of King Carnival! [Esteban Maroto/ Gerry Boudreau] (from
Vampirella #39)
Look what they've done! [Esteban Maroto/ Steve Skeates]
Snow White and the deadly dwarfs [Esteban Maroto/ Steve Skeates/
Gerry Boudreau] (from Vampirella #39)
VAMPIRELLA ISSUE 108 - September 1982
Cover: Enrich
Vampirella: Spawn of the star beast [Jose Gonzalez/ Rich Margopoulos]
Sweetwater Nessie, [pt.2] [Auraleon/ Don McGregor]
Pantha: Circus monstrous [Jose Ortiz/ David Allikas]
The Fox: The beast lies sleeping [Luis Bermejo/ Nicola Cuti]
Jeremy, [pt.2] [Paul Gillon/ Rudy Nebres (splash page)]
Torpedo 1936, [pt.1] [Alex Toth/ E. Sanchez Abuli] (from Spanish
Creepy {Toutain})
VAMPIRELLA ISSUE 109 - October 1982
Summer Spectacular!
Cover: Sanjulian
Vampirella: The corpse with the missing mind [Jose Gonzalez/ Bill
DuBay] (from Vampirella #55)
The sultan of 42nd Street [Felix Mas/ Carl Wessler/ Gerry Boudreau]
(from Vampirella #39)
Dungeons of the soul [Felix Mas/ T. Casey Brennan] (from Creepy
Out of the nameless city [Felix Mas/ John Jacobson] (from Vampirella
The climbers of the tower [Felix Mas/ T. Casey Brennan]
Miranda [Felix Mas/ Fred Ott] p.55-60 (from Vampirella #34)
The Dorian Gray syndrome [Felix Mas/ Don Glut] p.63-68 (from Vampirella
The killer! [Felix Mas/ Steve Skeates]
Minra [Felix Mas/ Ed Newsome] (from Vampirella #22)
Changes [Felix Mas/ Steve Skeates] (from Vampirella #24)

VAMPIRELLA ISSUE 110 - December 1982
Cover: Enrich
Vampirella: A feast of fear [Jose Gonzalez/ Rich Margopoulos]
Masque of the red death! [Auraleon/ Edgar Allen Poe/ Rich Margopoulos]
Jeremy, [pt.3] [Paul Gillon]
Torpedo 1936, [pt.2] [Alex Toth/ E. Sanchez Abuli]
Nightwind [Auraleon/ Gerry Boudreau]
Queen of souls! [Esteban Maroto/ Bill DuBay]
Vampirella: Tales of lost Drakulon! [Gonzalo Mayo/ Bill DuBay]
VAMPIRELLA ISSUE 111 - January 1983
Giant Collector's Edition!
Cover: Pujolar (from Devilina #1)
Vampirella and the curse of the MacDaemons! [Jose Gonzalez/ Flaxman
Loew aka, Mike Butterworth] (from Vampirella #28)
Vampirella and the undead of the deep! [Jose Gonzalez/ Flaxman Loew
aka, Mike Butterworth] (from Vampirella #29)
The time eater! [Paul Neary/ Jack Butterworth] (from Vampirella
The munificent Ali Addan and son! [Esteban Maroto/ Bill DuBay] (from
Vampirella #68)
Force-feed [Leopoldo Sanchez/ Cary Bates] (from Vampirella #59)
Fog [Carmine Infantino/ Dick Giordano/ Nicola Cuti] (from Vampirella
The French coagulation [Luis Bermejo/ Carl Wessler/ Gerry Boudreau]
(from Vampirella #39)
VAMPIRELLA ISSUE 112 - March 1983
Cover: Martin Hoffman
Vampirella: The walker of worlds [Jose Gonzalez/ Rich Margopoulos]
The Fox: Shadows of the mind [Luis Bermejo/ John Ellis Sech/ Nicola
Torpedo 1936, [pt.3] [Jordi Bernet/ E. Sanchez Abuli]
The ransom [Auraleon/ Michael Fleisher]
Limbo [Esteban Maroto/ Bill DuBay]
Vampirella: Feeding frenzy [Gonzalo Mayo/ Rich Margopoulos]


Issues 1-15 Issues
16-30 Issues
31-45 Issues
46-60Issues 61-75
Issues 76-90 Issues
91-105 1972
Annual & José Gonzalez Special IPC
UK Warrens
