Issue #3 (February 1997)
Regular Cover - J. Scott Campbell
Live Model cover - Unknown Model (3,000 copies) $2.95
Artists - Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti / Writer
- Warren Ellis
Vampirella Lives, Part Three
The total population of Whitechapel (barring the psychic with
Vampirella) is dead, their blood filling Lilith's shrine. The
shrine fills with vampires watching the resurrection of the Eldest
The Eldest Son tells the vampires of ~Lilith's death and of the
end of everything. He also knows that Vampirella is in town, and
commands the vampire horde to kill Vampirella and the rest of the
world as revenge for Lilith's death.
Vampirella is on the streets fighting Hemorrhage, whom she defeats
by using her hypnotic powers. Forcing him to stretch his powers
to their limits, Hemorrhage rips all the blood out of every vampire
and destroys the city - Vampirella is the only survivor.
A damaged Hemorrhage returns to Mistress Nyx, who learns that Vampirella
is still alive.

The crescendo is achieved! A city wide slaughter, blood by the
mega-gallon, and a new side to Vampirella that we haven't seen much
of before. She is, after all, the daughter of the Ultimate Temptress,
Lilith! Know we know why Vampirella is so beautiful, and it's not
due to cosmetics or good luck.
One irritating point, though. We never get to know much about the
Eldest Son of Lilith. We don't even get to see him as a fully revived
"person" or learn his name ...
Oh well, just another of life's mysteries ...