Vampirella Magazine

Issue #1 (2003)
Regular Painted Cover - Texiera $3.95
Regular News Stand Cover $5.95
Limited Alternate Photo Cover - Kitana Baker (1,500 copies) $9.95
Limited Alternate Cover by Palmiotti (1,500 copies) $9.95
Limited Alternate Cover by Wheatley (1,500 copies) $9.95
Issue 1 was launched with cover art by fan favourite
Mark Texiera with limited edition versions showcasing the art of
Jimmy Palmiotti and Mark Wheatley. There are only two Vampirella
stories; the rest of the magazine featuring a collection of articles
including an interview with Kitana Baker the latest Vampirella model
who graces the cover of one of the limited editions.

Vampirella: The Killing Floor
Steve Lieber, art & story, p.9-18 (black and
A short story in which Vampirella investigates a meat
packing plant which has been taken over by occultists intent on
reanimating their deceased leader. Vampirella interrupts their spell
causing the dead cattle to be reanimated instead of the cult's leader!
Vampirella Must Die, Part 1 of the Definitive Infinity Virus
Jimmy Palmiotti & Justin Gray, writers; Gabriel
Rearte, penciller; Meth, inker; Raymond Lee, colourist; Michael
Conley, letters), p.22-31.
A very tongue in cheek story in which Vampirella and
her friend Tina have their girls' night out interrupted by muggers,
and then an alien spacecraft containing a dying alien who warns
that Earth's super heroes have been infected with a deadly virus.
If they don't get the antidote within 24 hours they will go insane
Vampirella and Tina set out to find "Dynamic
Force" in the hope that their leader, Professor Rx, can help.
You can see that this going to be a parody/spoof of mainstream comic
book heroes.
Vampirella's costume is relegated to the cupboard
for the evening and she struts her stuff in a hot red mini dress. |
Issue #2 (2003)
Regular Painted Cover - Beck $3.95
Regular News Stand Cover $5.95
Limited Alternate Photo Cover - Kitana Baker (1,500 copies) $9.95
Limited Alternate Virgin Cover (1,500 copies) $9.95
Limited Virgin Kiss Photo Cover - Kitana Baker (1,500 copies) $9.95
Issue 2 features cover art by Michael Beck on both
the regular and limited edition virgin cover. The News Stand Edition
features Kiss and Kitana Baker which is replicated in the limited
edition virgin cover. Again, there is a limited edition Photo Cover
with Kitana Baker. There is only one Vampirella story, the rest
of the magazine featuring articles, reviews and adverts.

Vampirella Must Die, Part 2 of the Definitive
Infinity Virus
Jimmy Palmiotti & Justin Gray, writers; Gabriel
Rearte, penciller; Meth, inker; Raymond Lee, colourist; Michael
Conley, letters, p.20-29.
The story continues with Vampirella and Tina meeting
Cockroach-Man (Spider-Man?), his ageing Aunt and the Retaliator
(who looks suspiciously like Marvel Comics' Punisher). Affected
by the virus they end up dead and Vampirella and Tina continue in
their quest for Dynamic Force ...
An enjoyable story (albeit with Vampirella in her
"out-on-the-town gear" instead of her regular costume),
it's just a shame that the whole magazine only has the ONE story!
As an aside, on the last page it is revealed that one of them isn't
wearing underwear, but we never get to find out whether it is Tina
or Vampirella. Maybe one day, Jimmy Palmiotti or Justin Gray will
supply a definitive answer for the Vampirella trivia fanatics (like
Issue #3 (2004)
Regular Painted Cover - Noto $3.95
Regular News Stand Cover $5.95
Limited Alternate Photo Cover - Kitana Baker (1,500 copies) $9.95
Limited Alternate Virgin Cover by Parke (1,500 copies) $9.95
Limited Alternate Cover by Parker (1,500 copies) $9.95
There are five editions; a regular cover by Phil Noto,
a news stand edition with a cover by Steven Parke, the model edition,
the Parke Virgin cover and a Jeff Parker cover.
In between the adverts, reviews and articles there
are two Vampirella stories.

Vampirella Must Die, Part 3 of the Definitive
Infinity Virus
Jimmy Palmiotti & Justin Gray, writers; Gabriel
Rearte, penciller; Meth, inker; Raymond Lee, colourist; Michael
Conley, letters, p.20-29
Vampirella and her friend Tina deal with rabid super
hero Stainless Steel and finally get to the Dynamic Forces headquarters
Hate Mail
Jeff Parker, art & story, p.36-43 (black and
Vampirella steps in to help Spellinore (the hostess
of a TV show) who is under attack by a coven of witches who
have taken offence to some comments made on the show. Vampirella
tracks the coven and shows them some real "magic".
An amusing story which could be construed as a bit
of a dig at over-the-top politically correct, wiccan, feminist groups. |
Issue #4 (2004)
Regular Painted Cover - Golden $3.95
Regular News Stand Cover $5.95
Limited Alternate Photo Cover - Kitana Baker (1,500 copies) $9.95
Limited Alternate Virgin Cover (1,500 copies) $9.95
Limited Virgin Kiss Photo Cover - Kitana Baker (1,500 copies) $9.95
The regular and limited edition virgin covers features
Michael Golden's art, the news stand version features Mike Mignola
and Dave Stewart's art, and there is a Ben Templesmith limited edition.
And, of course the Kitana Baker model edition.
Two Vampirella stories are squeezed in between the
adverts, reviews and articles.

What Have We Become
Becky Cloonan, art & story, p.11-18 (black
and white)
A thought provoking story in which Vampirella destroys
a 3,000 year old plague infected Norse Warrior zombie. An interesting
story that leaves you with more questions than answers.
Vampirella Must Die, Part 4 of the Definitive
Infinity Virus
Jimmy Palmiotti & Justin Gray, writers; Gabriel
Rearte, penciller; Meth, inker; Raymond Lee, colourist; Michael
Conley, letters, p.25-34.
The final part of this story has Vampirella kill off
the remaining super heroes and wind down with her girlfriend, Tina.
There are definite lesbian overtones between Vampirella
and Tina - not too popular with the fan base, but what the heck,
it is only a comic book! And as long as she hasn't lost her "taste"
for guys as well, Vampirella can swing any way she wants in my book.
Issue #5 (2004)
Regular Painted Cover - Chiodo $3.95
Regular News Stand Cover $5.95
Limited Alternate Photo Cover - Kitana Baker (1,500 copies) $9.95
Limited Alternate Virgin Cover by Chiodo (1,500 copies) $9.95
Limited Alternate Cover of Samantha Mathis (1,500 copies) $9.95
There are five editions; a regular and limited edition
virgin cover by Joe Chiodo, a news stand edition with a Kitana Baker
photo cover, the model edition with more Kitana Baker, and a limited
edition cover featuring Samantha Mathis of salem's Lot.
In between the adverts, reviews and articles there
are two stories, one Vampirella and one Pantha - both in black and

Vampirella: Mo Money, Mo Bullets
John Lucas, art; Stuart Moore, story; Michael Conley,
letters, p.10-18 (black and white)
Maybe it's because I am in the UK, but I didn't really
understand this story of a record producer who is trying to destroy
Vampirella because she refused his advances a few years previously.
I get the feeling that it is a parody of some figure in current
USA rap culture, or a statement of some sort but I think something
has been lost in translation!
Bound, a Pantha Tale
Mark Texiera, art; Dan Jolley, script; Mike Conley,
letters , p.37-46 (black and white)
Pantha is conjured by a young girl whose magic binds
Pantha to her will. Pantha kills the man that the girl hates and
then leaves the girl with some profound insights. A well drawn story
with a message about abuse and becoming worse than your abuser.

